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Record JSON

  "$type": "",
  "createdAt": "2024-06-18T16:54:17.171Z",
  "langs": [
  "reply": {
    "parent": {
      "cid": "bafyreibwjpg5ggj62jtj47yulrext5mnl7go7tzzea37qktvqlnbzkjimq",
      "uri": "at://did:plc:oio4hkxaop4ao4wz2pp3f4cr/"
    "root": {
      "cid": "bafyreibwjpg5ggj62jtj47yulrext5mnl7go7tzzea37qktvqlnbzkjimq",
      "uri": "at://did:plc:oio4hkxaop4ao4wz2pp3f4cr/"
  "text": "Fingers crossed but have any of these big splash campaigns ever really made a dent? Same with the advertiser boycotts. In a few months most everyone has crawled back.\n\nSuccessful migrations happen when people pick and stick with an alt network. And tireless nudging of their peers to join."