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Record JSON

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  "createdAt": "2024-06-08T03:01:00.168Z",
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        "alt": "Purlane Today at 12:11 PM\nYep yep. Cara could stop worrying about hosting all of the aspects of running a social media site and delegate that to the protocol. They could focus instead on adding features to their platform that are relevant to users, improving the protocol to work better with platforms such as itself, and remove the insularity of an \"artist-only\" platform while still providing their current services (edited)\n\ntired but wired Today at 12:14 PM\nI think that last point is very key. We've been down the artist only rabbit hole and it seems every site loses favor or goes belly up. Building the service on a protocol allows for possibly a wider audience and a healthier community. With the added benefit of users having control over where their art is being stored and the right to move it but still participate.",
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  "text": "this is an incredibly strong elevator pitch for atproto"