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Record JSON

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  "createdAt": "2024-05-23T00:12:44.567Z",
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        "alt": "In some ways, Bluesky is building in the natural antidote to the activist investors that so vexed Jack at Twitter. Bluesky can simply point out that going down the enshittification path of greater and greater user extraction/worsening service just opens up someone else to step in and provide a better competing service on the same protocol. Having it be on the same protocol removes the switching costs that centralized enshittified services rely on to keep users from leaving, allowing them to enshittify. The underlying protocol that Bluesky is built on is a kind of commitment device. The company (and, in large part, its CEO Jay) is going to face tremendous pressures to make Bluesky worse.",
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      "uri": "at://did:plc:oio4hkxaop4ao4wz2pp3f4cr/"
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  "text": "I loved this paragraph from Masnick's Dorsey article on how atproto is a kind of \"commitment device\" to keep Bluesky honest\n\"