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Record JSON

  "$type": "",
  "createdAt": "2024-05-22T04:26:02.519Z",
  "embed": {
    "$type": "app.bsky.embed.images",
    "images": [
        "alt": "Grafana chart showing activity on the collection type across the network. About 0.05 per second (~3 minute).",
        "aspectRatio": {
          "height": 913,
          "width": 2000
        "image": {
          "$type": "blob",
          "ref": {
            "$link": "bafkreignoaqcihvy62p3b253lyr52usxkljmvdvlxmcuorpj4zaum32by4"
          "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
          "size": 331924
  "langs": [
  "text": "There really has been a slow but steady rate of new chat declarations on the network since about 730a PT.\n\nNot a ton in absolute terms (around 2 or 3 per minute) but impressive numbers for something only available on staging sites."