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Record JSON

  "$type": "",
  "createdAt": "2024-03-30T22:32:28.879Z",
  "langs": [
  "reply": {
    "parent": {
      "cid": "bafyreid6z2cqd2wvn7gtafay6c3ri7zolupfgu4uz6gplnkwxj7xvuxl3e",
      "uri": "at://did:plc:4nsduwlpivpuur4mqkbfvm6a/"
    "root": {
      "cid": "bafyreiam422jpfctp2tzjc2w3auwn7pqq7sgebbs5cw25ip7wm3vq53i4y",
      "uri": "at://did:plc:4nsduwlpivpuur4mqkbfvm6a/"
  "text": "Biggest thing I would do differently is set up a staging environment. Doing this all on production was pretty dumb. Learned a lot about redis, though. And part of me enjoyed the high-stakes debugging on Thursday. It was the Friday crash where I started getting annoyed at myself."