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Record JSON

  "$type": "",
  "createdAt": "2024-03-21T04:29:08.154Z",
  "embed": {
    "$type": "app.bsky.embed.record",
    "record": {
      "cid": "bafyreicuqhrvpf6mb2nkkszg2scpho5ikztmbosygilfzlb4lfcqqquc4m",
      "uri": "at://did:plc:4nsduwlpivpuur4mqkbfvm6a/"
  "langs": [
  "text": "Finished this bot up earlier today. Even managed to run it against some of the First Four contests. But the big day is tomorrow and Friday.\n\nI think this is my first ever Python script I've written using threading, which was cool. Fun challenge getting that to work with sqlite3."