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Record JSON

  "$type": "",
  "createdAt": "2024-03-14T19:05:44.730Z",
  "langs": [
  "reply": {
    "parent": {
      "cid": "bafyreifqzoolgbtjklr7vtnmdq3o33k2lu5ovc7rggcfyh2ytog56jpxrq",
      "uri": "at://did:plc:oio4hkxaop4ao4wz2pp3f4cr/"
    "root": {
      "cid": "bafyreicbxsu5722f6n7y3nkashhmhsygu7zgbs3xf3a34dm64fybwpqore",
      "uri": "at://did:plc:bnqkww7bjxaacajzvu5gswdf/"
  "text": "you touch on it with \"annoying people\" but I would add to that slightly: during the real big boom years ago, some of those who were doing well flaunted it and mocked anybody who doubted crypto was the future\n\nso when the crash came, it was schadenfreude and BTC got tangled up in that"