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Record JSON

  "$type": "",
  "createdAt": "2024-01-28T04:25:46.762Z",
  "embed": {
    "$type": "app.bsky.embed.external",
    "external": {
      "description": "Describe the bug did:web is one of the blessed did types for atproto and currently there seems to be no way to make accounts with it, although it was previously possible To Reproduce Steps to repro...",
      "thumb": {
        "$type": "blob",
        "ref": {
          "$link": "bafkreihmnn66ly3j725ih35rzcv6bvnu2rovzi5oxypr4ifcrvxxozx4gq"
        "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
        "size": 307543
      "title": "did:web accounts seem to be impossible to create right now · Issue #2100 · bluesky-social/atproto",
      "uri": ""
  "langs": [
  "reply": {
    "parent": {
      "cid": "bafyreihkxsv6zn264fx2wjtzijqvt3lcs4t66wijax32quezrjzp6l62c4",
      "uri": "at://did:plc:4nsduwlpivpuur4mqkbfvm6a/"
    "root": {
      "cid": "bafyreid22rlt4um5yzrr6hyfjdydt2ij26j3rt26dipmhbfbrui4dj6oce",
      "uri": "at://did:plc:4nsduwlpivpuur4mqkbfvm6a/"
  "text": "Putting this project on ice. I eventually got past UnresolvableDid by fixing did.json format and realizing the PDS caches these documents so fixes aren't immediately visible. At least now I have that part sorted.\n\nGoing to wait until the entryway changes settle before picking this back up."